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5 Tips For Travelling While You’re A Student

If you’re studying abroad, travelling isn’t just a nice perk – it’s an integral part of the educational experience. But with all the packing, planning and coordinating that goes into your trip, there are bound to be some mishaps along the way. Make sure you avoid these common student travel mistakes by keeping an eye out for these 6 tips.

Be Flexible

Planning your trip can be stressful, but being flexible will make it easier. If you have the opportunity to choose when and where to travel, then do so. Consider travelling during the off-season, which will likely be less expensive. If you are on a tight budget, look into work-study programs or scholarships that might help fund your education abroad.

Try Out New Things

There are loads of things to do in Akureyri, Iceland that can be made even better if you approach them as someone who’s looking for adventure. You might not have time to do everything on this list, but it can give you ideas of places to check out next time you visit.

Icelandic Horse Riding – What better way to see the Northern Lights than by galloping across the night sky?

Saunas – There is no shortage of saunas in Akureyri and we recommend trying at least one during your stay.

Northern Lights Tour – Seeing the Northern Lights is one thing; experiencing them from the backseat of a car is another.

Cook Your Own Meals

Cooking your own meals can be the best way to save money on food, especially if you are living in an expensive city like New York. Cooking also has the added benefit of being healthier than eating out because you know exactly what is going into your food. There are many resources online that provide recipes and cooking guides, so finding delicious and nutritious options should not be difficult.

Use Technology To Your Advantage

  • Find the cheapest flights – Use Google to find the lowest prices on flights.

  • Pack light – It’s often better to have a carry-on bag than check baggage because there is less of a risk of losing your luggage or forgetting it at the airport.

  • Bring a power bank with you when travelling abroad – Power banks are so useful for charging phones when you don’t have access to electricity.

Organise Your Time Efficiently

The key to travelling and maintaining your grades is to plan ahead. Figure out when you need to be in class, what you will do on the weekends, and how much time you can spend studying while on vacation. There are apps like Google Calendar that allow you to schedule your activities in advance so that nothing falls through the cracks.

If you have a laptop, bring it with you so that you can work while on break or at night when there are no distractions.

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