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Online Casinos: Which Are the Best Games to Play?

Rappel : les casinos en ligne, s’ils sont autorités dans le monde francophone, sont interdits en France

Online gambling has become the latest phenomenon when it comes to digital games. While all games offer the chance to win and to go  home richer than when they started, some casino games offer better odds than most! Now, remember, these are games of chance; an element of luck plays a part in whether you win or not. The savvy player knows this, and chooses the right games and tactics, such as choosing free spins no deposit needed to boost your bets by risking less and winning more!

Low House Edge & Odds

Ever heard the saying ‘the house always wins?’ Every casino has a profit margin baked into its offerings; the casino or ‘house’ enjoys a statistical advantage where it takes cut-off bets, called the ‘house edge’. Choosing the right games means knowing precisely what the house edge is.

Here are some easy-to-win casino games where the house edge is relatively small:

  • Classic Poker: 5-6%
  • Video Slots: 2% to 9% (varies between games)
  • Roulette: 2.5%
  • Classic Blackjack: 1%
  • Baccarat: 1%
  • Dice: 1%
  • Live Poker: 0.5% to 5%

Even though knowing the house edge values are useful, it’s up to you to choose which one suits your playstyle and skill level at the game of your choice. Let’s take a look!

Video Slots

Slots are some of the easiest-to-understand casino games out there. Pretty much as simple as it gets. All you have to worry about is your budget and how much you bet. Unlike other games where you can ‘psyche’ out opponents with betting size strategies, betting’s all you have to do here.

The first thing to be aware of with a new slot game is the exact percentage of the bet one might expect to be returned, called the Return To Player Value. You might not get all the money you bet back though, this is just an approximation.

Bonus features are quite common; a few minutes of play almost guarantees you benefit from one of them, for example. However, the trade-off is that you’re far more likely to leave empty-handed, so watch that purse! That being said, there are tons of inexperienced casino visitors who decide to have a spin and win massive jackpots as a result.


‘Always bet on black’. Roulette’s most famous reference is known for a reason. A classic spin game with plenty of win chances in the form of simple betting options like choosing either the colours red or black and even or odd numbers. With a 50/50 chance of winning, you’ll find players risking all-in bets with such low-odds options, hoping to leave rich.

Another easy game, roulette is popular with newbies and veterans alike, but remember to keep an eye on the purse and keep a tight budget.

Several variations of roulette exist but it’s advised to stick to classic roulette as it’s simple and doesn’t need a large budget. However, if you’re feeling lucky and willing to make more adventurous bets, your luck percentage may drop to about 32% depending on what you pick, or even 2% if you’re not careful!


One of the easier card games to understand, blackjack is elegant as it’s so simple, and yet as complex as you wish it to be depending on the techniques employed.

The cards are randomly generated, so there’s nothing to reduce your luck and one of the nice things about online blackjack is that the only other people you have to deal with are the dealer and the person in between the screen and your chair.

Finding the right casino will come in handy for online blackjack, as some will offer different bonuses and odds, while others have no countdown timer, giving you all the time you need to strategize and plan your next move. Oh, and counting cards is out.

Dice (Craps)

If you’re going to bet on black at a roulette table, it’s recommended to always bet on 7 in dice! Another piece of advice often seen on the movie screen, it’s that way for a reason.

The mathematical probability of getting 7 with a pair of dice is higher than the other numbers, you would have a 6/36 or 16.6% chance of winning.

The next lucky numbers after 7 would be 6, 8, 9, and 5. Of course, there’s more to the game, but for now keep in mind that as long as you bet close to 7, you’ve got better chances of a win.


This game requires no introduction, being by far the most played and well-known of casino games. Online poker is its own genre, with some players achieving international fame with their success.

There are several benefits to online poker but the main advantage one encounters when playing the online version of poker is that you don’t have to deal with all the psychological mind-games you’d experience at a live table with players around you, not knowing who’s got all the cash, who is doing well or not, etc.

Here, you’ve got an eagle’s eye view of everything. It’s easier to figure out the other player’s hands and many websites even let you scope out your competition’s player stats so you have a better understanding of who you’re dealing with. Definitely an advantage.

When searching for a good online poker casino, ensure that you’re playing in a high traffic casino, those tend to have healthy bonus offerings and the large player population yields good prize funds in general.


All in all, the games presented above should help you generate good amounts of credits if you…play your cards right.

As with so many things in life, the best way to ‘beat the house’ is to play it smart, to make wise and considered choices. Using a combination of choosing highly rated games with a low house edge and your own skill, you can beat the odds and come out on top more often than not!

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